Communication on a network will be generated on the network from a source and
the obtained data is sent to a destination. And in the networking protocol will uses
the all the data in the OSI layers or some sort of layers to move the data betweenthe layers. When consider about layers let recall that layer 1 is the part the protocolwhich operates and communicate with the sort of media, and in the other end Layer7 is the part of the protocol which communicates among the applications. Becauseof the network layers only the data frame can be travelled through the computernetworks and other devices which are connected to it. And this process of passingthrough the data though network from one device to the others is accomplished bythe information passing from the applications down to the protocol stack, where anappropriate header is added at each part of the layer model. And this sort of processadding header and stack is called as encapsulation. When data encapsulation iscompleted and it was passed though the network, and then the data is removed bythe receiving devices, by using the messages in the header and the various directionsto known how the data will be passed through the appropriate applications.The one of the important concepts in the networking is the data encapsulation. Itmainly functions and depends on the working of the layers called as peer layers towhich the communication on critical parameters defined as on control informationand addressing.The encapsulation concept was quite simple although so many will think that as anabstract concept. It can be easily explained in a day-to-day work consider a mugto be transported to a friend who was in another place you need to send it by anytransportation ways road, rail or airways the process will not be done by throwingthe mug and expecting it to be reach your friend. You need a proper service to donethe work. The process is completely shown below.Step 1: Pack the mug in a box.Step 2: Indicate an address such that the transporter knows where to deliver itStep 3: Give the box to a parcel carrier.Step 4: The package was transferred to its final destination.And in the same manner the data also transfers from one point to the other throughthe means of the network. And after the package has been delivered to the concernperson the process should be reversed by your friend. The process of the reverseencapsulation is known as the de-encapsulation.
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